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Installing And Using Premade Coils In Your RDA

Installing And Using Premade Coils In Your RDA

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    Prebuilt and handmade coils can significantly improve your vaping experience. Knowing how to install them properly can turn a time-consuming task into a simple routine. In today's guide, we'll show you that installing vape coils doesn't have to be scary — and can even be enjoyable.

    Today, we'll go over some installation tips for pre-made coils. These tips will make coil installation a breeze, and they'll work 99 percent of the time, regardless of board style. Above all, remember to take your time; the building is a skill that requires patience, so don't get frustrated if you make a mistake. Even the most experienced builders make mistakes from time to time.

    We recommend getting some pre-built coils to use in your RDA if you're interested in rebuilding. We have a wide range of coils to suit every advanced vaper's needs, from simple wound coils to more advanced claptons and hive coils.

    With our recent partnership with advanced vape and selling their professional pre-built coils we figured it was time for a short article on installing and using premade coils in your RDA.

    Step 1) Placement

    Using a builder’s rod or jig tool of equal diameter is the easiest way of placing your premade coil on the deck at first. The use of a rod keeps the coil level, making it easier to guide the leads through the post holes. However, you may find that installing the coils with your hand works better for you; don't be afraid to try both methods!


    By matching the coil length to the distance between your post holes, you can save a lot of time straightening! The RDA/RTA you're using is too large if you have to pull on the leads just to get your coil in both threaded inserts!

    Step 2) Tightening The Screws

    Center your coil on the deck of whatever RDA or tank you're using and give both pins a fine twist.

    Here are a few things to remember:

    • The coil should not intersect with the deck (too far down)
    • The coil should not intersect with the posts (too close)

    In fact related to your post height/post holes, you want your coil to be centered. Make sure the coil is as close as possible to your posts without touching them. Final alterations can be made later, but the closer everything is aligned at this point, the better!


    Make sure your leads aren't too tight. You've gone far enough when they begin to bend mildly.

    Step 3) Cutting Leads

    This is probably the simplest step in the entire setup procedure. Trim both leads as close to the posts as possible with a good pair of sharp wire cutters.  If you're doing a double build, you may need to trim one side first, then remove the opposing side (after it's been tightened enough) and cut along the post screw signs.


    Before cutting the entire thing through, press your finger on the lead's end. Any chance of moving metal will be eliminated as a result of this.

    Step 4) Leveling

    To middle anything that, use a coil wrapping rod or a piece of metal with the same or slightly smaller inner diameter. The coil/coils should be perpendicularly in the middle of the post and as close to the center of the bottom air flow as possible. Take your time here; you want everything to be exactly where you want it.


    Don't be scared to softly push up on the coil or pull it outward. The materials used in pre-builts are often quite forgiving.

    Step 5) Strumming

    Strumming is a methodology for evening out the gaps in the coil material. Strumming the coil back and forth in both particular direction with the tip of a metal rod ordinarily, this is done in a strum — pulse repeat pattern.

    Step 6) Fiddling

    Fiddling is a technique for fine-tuning the position of the leads and the spacing between the contact materials. Pull softly outwards at this point, making final adjustments to the coil's angle (ideal angle: 180 degrees), and positioning the build's leads as close to the front center of the post holes as practically possible. Usually, this is done in a fiddle/adjust — pulse repeat pattern.

    Step 7) Pulsing

    When it comes to pulsing, less is more, particularly when you're first getting started with your component. You can use a low-wattage short burst of power. If you're using an unregulated device, try to keep the pulses less than 1 second. Continue strumming and fiddling with your coil until it glows evenly from the inside out. Once you've achieved a nice even glow, heat the entire element until its red hot.


    In short, all you have to do now is choose your and follow the instructions below to install your pre-built coils on the deck.

    Remove the cotton and old coils from your RDA and clean it of e-liquid. Pick out your new coils and get them ready. Place the new coils in the posts and gently tighten the screws to keep them in place. With a screwdriver, center the coil and trim the excess wire with wire cutters. Check your resistance with an Ohm reader to ensure there are no shorting issues. Use ceramic tweezers to gently squeeze the coils while they are being fired to ensure that they heat up evenly. Cut a wicking material strip the same size as the coil and twist it into shape. Cotton should be threaded through each coil. Trim any excess cotton evenly and soften for effective wicking. Place both ends of the cotton wick in the wells and fill with juice until the cotton is completely saturated.

    Please remember that coil building is an art, so take your time and think things through when installing them. Remember the advice above, and your next installation should go off without a hitch!

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